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姓    名王聪聪

职    称讲师








欧盟Erasmus Mundus多媒体技术,欧盟A类全奖多学位硕士(法国、西班牙、挪威);



长期从事信号处理,图像处理/计算机视觉等研究工作,2020 年至今起担任天津理工大学294俄罗斯专享会讲师。与挪威科大、奥斯陆大学、美国罗切斯特理工学院,英国、法国、巴基斯坦、工业界等保持稳定的学术研究合作。

1. 心脏体域网心电数据分析,2024-2025,主持

2. 数据驱动的智能焊接决策系统,2022,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 不配对数据集的弱监督学习及其用于腔镜视频去雾,2022-2024, 主持

4. 挪威科技大学创新项目,手术导航中的基于双目的器官表面配准,2020,主持。

5. 挪威国家研究理事会项目,医学诊断,监测和治疗中的图像质量增强,2015- 2019,参与。

6. 欧盟研究理事会玛丽居里ITN项目,针对软组织的高性能导航技术, 2016- 2021,参与。

7. 挪威国家研究理事会项目,通过人工智能的和3D重建提高无线胶囊内窥镜图像的病理检测,2019-2023,参与。

8. 挪威地区研究理事会项目,智慧眼镜,2020 – 2021,参与。

[1] Congcong Wang, Meng Zhao#, Chengguang Zhou, Nanqing Dong, Zohaib Amjad Khan, Xintong Zhao, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh, Azeddine Beghdadi, and Shengyong Chen. Smoke veil prior regularized surgical field desmoking without paired in-vivo data. Computers in Biology and Medicine 168, 2024. (IF=7.7)

[2]Jia Chen, Congcong Wang*, Fan Shi*, Mounir Kaaniche, Meng Zhao, Yan Jing and Shengyong Chen. DSNet: A Dynamic Squeeze Network for Real-time Weld Seam Image Segmentation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024. (IF=8)

[3]Yimei Liu, Qin Cai, Congcong Wang, Jian Yang, Hao Fan*, Junyu Dong*, Sheng Chen. Geometry-Enhance Attentive Multi-View Stereo for Challenging Matching Scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2024. (IF=8.4)

[4]Ma J, Zhang Y, Gu S, Zhu C, Ge C, Zhang Y, An X, Wang C, Wang Q, Liu X, Cao S, Zhang Q, Liu S, Wang Y, Li Y, He J, Yang X*. Abdomenct-1k: Is abdominal organ segmentation a solved problem. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2021 Jul 27. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3100536.

[5]Wang, C.*#, Cheikh, F. A., Kaaniche, M., Beghdadi, A., and Elle, O. J. (2018). “Variational based smoke removal in laparoscopic images”. Biomedical engineering online, 17(1), 139.

[6]Wang, C., Cheikh, F. A., Kaaniche, M., and Elle, O. J. “Liver surface reconstruction for image guided surgery”. Medical Imaging 2018: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. Vol.10576. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.

[7]Wang, C., Alaya Cheikh, F., Beghdadi, A. and Elle, O. J. “Adaptive context encoding module for semantic segmentation”. In Electronic Imaging 2020: Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2020.

[8]Ma J., Nie Z,, Wang C., Dong G., Zhu Q., He J., Gui L., Yang X. “Regional Active Contour Regularized Semisupervised Learning for COVID-19 CT Infection Segmentation with Limited Labelled Images", . Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2020, 65(22).

[9]Teatini, A.#, Wang C.#, Palomar R., Alaya Cheikh F., Beghdadi A., Edwin B., and Elle O.J. “Validation of stereo vision based liver surface reconstruction for image guided surgery”. In 2018 Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018.

[10]Wang, C.#, Sharma, V.#, Fan, Y., Alaya Cheikh, F., Beghdadi, A., Elle, O.J., and Stiefelhagen, R. “Can Image Enhancement be Beneficial to Find Smoke Images in Laparoscopic Surgery?”. In 26th Color and Imaging Conference, pp. 163-168, 2018, Society for Imaging Science andTechnology.

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